An Investigation of the Teaching Needs of Faculty Members with regard to Technology

Afam Uzorka, Yakubu Ajiji, Menwo Ukechi Osigwe, Idoli Nwachukwu Ben
710 374


To integrate technology in teaching and learning, the need arises to investigate the teaching needs of educators making the transition from a traditional to technology mediated environment. This qualitative study selected a convenience sample of 120 faculty and administrators. Using an interview guide, interviewers met with 100 participants. Data was transcribed, and entered into a database for analysis. Findings reported were technology in teaching. Concluding statements report that participants use technology in their teaching. However, many faculty members are not integrating technology in their teaching or assessment strategies, or using technology in instructional management. Faculty members are interested in learning how to incorporate technology in their teaching and their comments suggest their need to combine technology with principles of pedagogy, andragogy, and constructivism.


Faculty members, technology, educators, professional development

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Uzorka, A., Ajiji, Y., Osigwe, M. U., & Ben, I. N. (2021). An investigation of the teaching needs of faculty members with regard to technology. International Journal of Technology in Education and Science (IJTES), 5(1), 70-107.



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International Journal of Technology in Education & Science (IJTES)-ISSN: 2651-5369

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