Investigating the Effects of Tablet-Based Math Interventions: A Meta-Analysis

Kathleen B. Aspiranti, Karen H. Larwin
885 323


There is debate over the effectiveness of using touch-screen tablet technology on overall student learning gains. This article provides a meta-analysis of studies that used tablets for the delivery of math interventions, programs, or apps to increase student math achievement. A total of 20 group design studies with 2,805 participants were included in the meta-analysis. Overall, tablet-based math interventions provided moderate positive effects for student math gains. Significant moderator variables included participant ethnicity, and socio-economic status, selecting a specific app for use, minutes in intervention, dependent variable, and type of control group. Discussion focuses on the need for more rigorous methodology and reporting of participant and design variables in future studies and the implications for researchers and practitioners when using tablets as a delivery method for math interventions.


Apps, Intervention, Tablet, Math, Meta-analysis

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Aspiranti, K. B. & Larwin, K. H. (2021). Investigating the effects of tablet-based math interventions: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Technology in Education and Science (IJTES), 5(4), 629-647.



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International Journal of Technology in Education & Science (IJTES)-ISSN: 2651-5369

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