Students’‎ Readiness for Self-Regulated Smart Learning Environment

Yusufu Gambo, Muhammad Zeeshan Shakir
868 243


The increasing development in smart and mobile technologies supports transformation of learning environment into a smart learning environment to meet diverse learners’ needs. Learning in an online environment requires motivation and skills to succeed.  Self-regulated learning has been identified as one of the strategies for supporting students in an online learning environment.  However, despite these innovations, there is a scarcity of well exploratory works to understand if students have skills, experiences, and technology resources for implementing a self-regulated smart learning environment. This study attempts to fill the gaps by investigating these experiences and technology resources. The study used mixed-method to investigate the readiness of 157 undergraduate students. The quantitative data used an online self-regulated learning questionnaire (OSLQ), and the qualitative data used focus group discussions. The quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and correlations, and the qualitative data used a thematic method to understand students’ experiences. The investigations show that students understood the self-regulated learning process and its’ role in their academic success. Moreover, they have access to mobile internet services and smart devices, mostly an android operating system. More so, goal setting, time management, and self-evaluation are among the top-level skills readiness, and there is a relationship between previous online learning experiences and these skills. Future research could investigate facilitators’ readiness to develop a self-regulated smart learning environment for engaging online learning experiences and skills development. 


Self-regulated learning, Online learning, Students’ readiness, mixed method, Smart learning environment, Online skills, smart device

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Gambo, Y., & Shakir, M. Z. (2022). Students’‎ readiness for self-regulated smart learning environment. International Journal of Technology in Education and Science (IJTES), 6(2), 306-322.



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International Journal of Technology in Education & Science (IJTES)-ISSN: 2651-5369

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